
DeltaRune is a game that is about meaning, and story, and amazing characters, not just action and adventures. Even secondary heroes here have memorable personalities and enjoy almost the same popularity as the main ones. For instance, Noelle.
She is a monster who goes to the same school as Kris and Susie. She looks like some sort of a deer, with orange skin, red nose and antlers. She is a friendly and fun character, but also shy. She rarely has the guts to say what she thinks and is afraid of everything. Ironically, as often happens with DeltaRune, she is also afraid of humans under her bed.
Noelle makes her first brief appearance in the first chapter of the game. She learns about the Dark World when she goes to the pantry for a piece of chalk. Then you can also meet her at the hospital where she visits her ill father. Nothing much happens, but she plays a more distinctive role in the second chapter. There she gets under the bad influence of the Queen who captures Birdly and threatens to hurt him if Susie doesn’t become her accomplice. In the end, everything works out just fine. Start playing DeltaRune and discover more about Noelle and her role in the story!
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